Monthly Archives: May 2024

The New Hampshire Renaissance Faire

Hey everyone!

Can you believe it? The New Hampshire Renaissance Faire is just around the corner! The Corr Thieves have been part of NHRF since the very beginning in 2005, and it’s like our home away from home. This year, the faire is celebrating its 20th anniversary – Huzzah!

What’s even cooler is that our official Ren Faire stage act began at NHRF in 2010, which means we’re celebrating our 15-year anniversary! Huzzah again!

Now, for those of you who might not know who we are or what we do, we’ve put together a little video to give you a taste of who we are. We hope you enjoy it!

And of course, we’d love to see you all at NHRF this year! If you want more information about the faire, just click the link below to be magically transported to their website.

Magical Link to the New Hampshire Renaissance Faire Website!